14 June 2011

A little decluttering is good for the soul (and the desk).

Since we moved our desk into the more prominent position of in front of the chimney breast in the dining room (rather than under the stairs), we've really tried to keep it tidy. This does not always happen!

Sometimes, our desk looks like this:

Most of the time however, our desk looks like this (on a good day!):

It was becoming clear that the desk was a magnet for papers, and that neither of us were in reality, going to stop putting letters and bills etc. there. Therefore, I decided to find something in which to put all the clutter that keeps accumulating there, and remembered that I had 2 sturdy boxes that came with our Orla Kiely bed linen sets. Perfect.

From now on, our desk will look like this (well, here's hoping!):


Claire said...

You got a lovely workspace... you should see mine. Untidy is an understatement, but I feel more productive that way :-)

beautiful square feet said...

Thanks Claire! Just got to keep that plant alive now!

Anonymous said...

Simple and cute idea. I prefer for the desk to be clutter free too. However, that mail just keeps adding up, or I keep putting more in the pile. Looks lovely and clean.

beautiful square feet said...

Thanks Missbmckay! If the desk was somewhere else, I'd probably be less bothered, but as it's in our dining room it just makes the whole room look a mess if it's too cluttered!

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